20 Japanese Phrases You Must Know Before Travelling To Japan
Have you watched 'Lost in Translation' Movie? If yes, you might agree that travelling to Japan is a nightmare if you can't speak a single Japanese word *Cry*. This is somewhat true as Japanese do not speak English very well. Nah, If you want to travel to Japan but you don't have time to learn Japanese, at least you have to remember few Japanese phrases that you will commonly use during your visit. Thus, we exclusively pick these 20 Japanese phrases to help you out #Yay.

Credit picture to Pexel
We hope these basic Japanese phrases will help you during your journey in Japan! If you are having troubles finding a good Halal food to eat or need information on Halal eateries in Japan, be sure to download our Halal Navi app and you won't need to worry about a thing! Other than finding halal restaurant nearby, you can also communicate with local Muslims and ask them about Japan! Click below to download 🙂