[2022] Four Vegan Restaurants to Visit in Tokyo

[2022] Four Vegan Restaurants to Visit in Tokyo

In Japan, vegan restaurants have been increasing over the past few years. Vegan restaurants, which do not use animal products, allow us to enjoy their meals without worrying about the ingredients.

1 AIN SOPH. journey


AINSOPH.journey 【official】アインソフジャーニー新宿店|ヴィーガンレストラン(@ainsoph.journey)がシェアした投稿

The next restaurant is "AIN SOPH. journey," a 4-minute walk from Shinjuku Sanchome Station on the Tokyo Metro Line.  This restaurant offers a wide variety of vegan food such as curry, paella, gluten-free pasta, and vegan pancakes.
There are also stores in Ginza, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, and Kyoto.  Also,there is  an online store by them, so please check it out.

ヴィーガンレストラン | AIN SOPH. (アインソフ)
Vegan Restaurant グループ AIN SOPH. の公式ホームページです。2009年より銀座、新宿三丁目、池袋、京都にヴィーガンレストランを展開するアインソフ。2020年よりオンラインストアも始めました!手作りのビーガンスイーツやプラントベースのお食事セットを全国にお届けします。

2 Ballon TOKYO


Ballon / バロン(@ballontokyo)がシェアした投稿

Next up is Ballon TOKYO, a 5-minute walk from Tokyo Metro Nakameguro Station. At this store, you can enjoy 100% vegan falafel and soft serve ice cream, and Ballon TOKYO offers hearty sandwiches made with falafel.

Ballon TOKYO|100%veganファラフェルサンドとソフトクリームの専門店

3 Alaska zwei


Alaska zwei(@alaska_zwei)がシェアした投稿

Alaska zwei, located about an 8-minute walk from Tokyo Metro Ikejiri-Ohashi Station. This vegan café offers dishes, sweets, and café menu, and is well known for its delicious healthy lunch plates.

You can also buy vegan sweets from the online store.

Alaska zwei powered by BASE
【12/28〜1/4まで年末年始休みの為、発送は1/6からになります。】100% Vegan中目黒のカフェよりVeganの焼き菓子をお届けします。国産小麦、てんさい糖、オーガニック豆乳、アーモンド、なたね油などシンプルな材料で焼き上げるお菓子。マフインはお手元に届いてから2〜3日、クッキー類は1週間以上お日持ちします。心を込めておつくりします!

4 mique& maro.



Lastly, we introduce "mique," a vegan café near Okusawa Station, just a 7-minute walk from the station. The theme of this café is "a restaurant that is kind to the earth and the body," and it offers a natural lunch menu and a café menu. The interior is decorated with many artworks, creating a very stylish atmosphere. The gallery-like atmosphere makes it the perfect place to relax.
From Wednesday to Friday, you can enjoy Japanese vegan cuisine, and on Saturdays and Sundays, you can enjoy South Indian cuisine.



miqueでは貸切パーティー / 出張ケータリングなど個別のリクエストにもお応えいたします。 ​ご要望の方はお問い合わせください。

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